Friday, September 25, 2009

11-year old campout September 2009

Animal Identification Class

Knot tying class -

Canoeing class -

Tug of war (Richland Leaders vs. Kennewick Leaders) -

Richland vs. Kennewick Scouts tug of war -

Candy Mountain Scouts and their turtle flag :) -

Desert Hills Ward (cooking around the campfire) LOVE those uniforms guys!

Thanks to all those who helped make this campout extra special! :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Letters from the Missionaries

As part of the Stake Activity Day the girls (ages 8 to 11) wrote letters to the missionaries serving missions from our stake. A couple of them wrote back ... See below -

Dear Sis. Greer-Short and 8 – 11 year old girls!
Hello everyone! I just wanted to thank you all so much for your notes and letters. I loved all of them and it was a wonderful surprise! I was having kind of a tough day and when I went to check the mail that day, your letters made me go from :( to :) and I felt much better. Missionaries love getting mail because it always makes us feel good. It’s not always easy being away from our mom, dads, and families and getting letters is a lot of help because it always makes us smile really big!! :)

Thank you all very much for the time you took to think about us missionaries and write letters. We all love you very much and are praying for you. Be good to your families, friends and teachers and remember how much they love you too. If you don’t believe me, just ask them and see! :)

I hope all of you are having a good summer vacation and having lots of fun! Take care and I’ll see you all soon!
Elder Michael Graff

Sister Greer-Short
I just wanted to thank you for the letters from the Stake Achievement Day Girls. They were awesome and really brightened my day. Tell them all thank you for me. The MTC is great and I am loving being a missionary. Thanks again.
Elder Pulsipher

Monday, June 15, 2009

Assistant 2nd Counselor

Welcome to Karen Egbert who was called to be an assistant 2nd Counselor in the Stake Primary Presidency! (Her main focus is on CUB SCOUTS)

Cub Scout Day Camp 2009!

Cub Scout Day Camp!!
June 16th -19th 2009
Benton Franklin Fairgrounds
Kennewick, WA
1 pm to 8 pm

Get ready for the FUN ....!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Stake Primary Activity Day!!

A few moments from our BIG Activity Day ...

The girls recieved a button at registration and earned a jewel after completing each class! They could decorate them however they wanted ...

The lunch cart!! Felt like "Where's Waldo" for a moment only - it was "Where's MY lunch?"

Each girl planted a seed :) ...

Let's boogie - !! The dance class was a favorite and it was fun to see all the girls perform it at the end of the day!

Looking gorgeous! Each girl had a chance to do their nails .... Oh la la! :)

Letters from home - Service project! All the girls wrote letters to the Missionaries in our Stake.

Writing Letters ...

WOW! We had an amazing day together. Thanks to all the people who showed up to help ...
We are truly blessed to spend time with such amazing Gems and Jewels in our stake.

(Summary) Stake Leadership Meeting - Jeopardy & Presidents

We know several of you weren’t able to make it to our Stake Auxiliary Leadership Training meeting on Thursday (May 14th) , so we wanted to give you a “Reader’s Digest” version of what happened.

In our general meeting with everyone, we played a Jeopardy-like game with questions about Sharing Time, Music, Sacrament Meeting programs, Responsibilities, and Dos and Don’ts. Many of the questions came from the Church Handbook of Instructions. I’ll reprint the questions and answers here. The referenced page numbers following the answer are from either the Handbook or the 2009 Outline for Sharing Time.

Below are a few of the questions -

· What is it called when one week of the month a Primary class teaches the Sharing Time? [Class Presentation (p. 1)]
· Where are other places to look for Sharing Time resources? [(p. 2, 12) and the Friend magazine]
· During Sharing Time we should, “open them, teach from them, testify of them . . . each week”. What are they? [The scriptures. (p. 1)]

After everyone did a great job answering the questions, we separated into smaller groups for more directed discussions. (Summaries from each class are listed below this post).

The presidents talked about reverence in our primaries (and homes). Most of the information was taken from the talk “Respect and Reverence” by Margaret S. Lifferth (Ensign, May, 2009).

In a quote from President Howard W. Hunter it says “Reverence is the atmosphere of heaven". Sis. Lifferth points out that if reverence is rooted in love, so is the teaching of it. Harshness is our training begets resentment, not reverence. We must begin teaching it early and have reasonable expectations. In doing so, we need to remember that we are teaching a child his first lessons in reverence, but the child may be mastering his first attempts at self-discipline as well. In all things we do, we do it line upon line, precept on precept.

Orienting New LeadersA training and orientation handout was shared in the recent Primary training. It shares the vision and goals of the Primary general presidency. It can be used to orient new Primary leaders to their callings and as a guide for auxiliary and priesthood leaders for ongoing leadership training.

The complete email from Lori Kurtz will be sent to all of the Primary Presidents. Please share the email with members of your Presidency who may not have been able to attend the Stake Leadership Meeting!

(Summary) Stake Leadership Meeting - Secretaries

The Secretaries met with Wendy Christensen and discussed the following:

We shared ideas on keeping track of all the talks and scriptures in primary – we all agreed that keeping track is important as every child deserves a chance to be part of the Sunday program.

We talked about using a monthly calendar of events (including the weekly scripture and prayer assignments.) The calendar is sent home at the beginning of each month and is very useful for families and all members of the ward. Contact Robin Harrington if you would like a sample calendar (Columbia Ward).

We discussed that an organized primary runs more smoothly and usually contributes to a more reverent atmosphere.

Some wards list the primary talks and prayers in their ward bulletin. This helps make the children feel important and part of the ward.

The Secretary is such a powerful tool in the Primary Organization!
We offered words of encouragement and support to each other. It was a fun night to connect and share ideas! Keep up the good work ladies!

(Summary) Stake Primary Leadership Meeting - Counselors over Scouts

Special thanks to Tammy Ezra for leading this class!
The main things that were talk about in the Scout portion of the Stake Meeting are -

The scout committee chair person job description: holding a meeting once a month, for all cubscout members, getting awards from scout office, keeping records of advancements, assisting cub master in pack meeting.

We talked about getting the parents more involved in their boys achievements. It's not only the den leaders responsibility.

We talked about the different summer schedules. which ones work or not.
Some wards dismiss until after summer and then start up again. Others combine all together and work on beltloops.

We talked about Day camp and the best way to get help or volunteers. Start with parents / then den leaders / then retired members in the ward.

We gave each other hope and encouragement that we are all doing a great job!!!

(Summary) Stake Leadership Meeting - Counselors over Activity Days

At auxiliary training, the Counselors over Activity Days and Kerrilynn Robinson discussed the Stake Activity Day coming up on June 12.

Packets of information, invitations, and a poster were handed out. Each ward in attendance shared ideas for activity days in their wards that have worked well for them this year. Some examples of activities included prayer rocks, bookmarks, Mother's Day gifts, making pajama bottoms, tying fleece covers over pillows, ongoing scrapbooks, photo shoot, learning to conduct music while drawing with chalk, and completing activities that follow "My Gospel Standards" and the "Faith in God" booklet.

Below are a couple of Successful Activity Day Activities from Janice Merkley -

**She went through the Faith in God booklet and numbered the requirements under each category. That is why the notes say page 7, #7 or whatever requirement it may be.

Learn a Song (Page 10, #2)
We learned to play a Primary song with hand bells. It took some work to find one that was in the right key and only used eight notes. We also played a couple of just fun songs with the bells. We had the girls trade the bells around so that they had a different color of bell each time and had to be alert and watching for their notes each time. They all seemed to enjoy it.

Word of Wisdom (Page 7, #7)
We took turns reading aloud and discussing the Word of Wisdom from the D & C. I had vegetables and fruit for the girls to cut up and make their own snack as well as some dip for the veggies. The girls all really enjoyed that and seemed to have a reasonable understanding of the Word of Wisdom.

PS: The complete document (w/ideas) will be emailed to all the Activity Counselors in the stake.

Watch for it! :)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

"Gems and Jewels: A Royal Day for Girls"
Stake Primary Activity Day
Friday - June 12th, 2009
9:00 am to 2:45 pm
(Girls ages 8 - 11)
Stake Center on Thayer in Richland, WA
Bring a non-member friend and a sack lunch!

Drinks/dessert provided

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Thank you! :)

May 14th, 2009 - Stake Primary Auxiliary Leadership Meeting

Kerrilynn Robinson, Lori Kurtz, April Rhineheart

Ron Fisher - Thanks for being our ice cream guy :)!! The sundaes were ultra YUM ...

A moment to mingle, chat and share the YUM :)!!

Robin and Jill - So glad you could make it! :)

Holli and Amy - Thanks for the smiles!!

Special thanks to all of you who were able to join us for our Primary Stake Auxiliary Leadership Meeting! It was truly a night of inspiration, fun and learning!
PS: To those of you who couldn't join us - We missed you ...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Stake Auxiliary Leadership Meeting - 5/14/09


Everyone looks forward to an Ice Cream Sundae, but do we anticipate SUNDAY with the same enthusiasm? Come to the Stake Auxiliary Leadership Meeting and see how to make your Sundays more a of a treat!

Thursday, May 14th - 2009
7:00 pm in the Stake Center Primary Room ...
Everything, with a cherry on top!

Friday, April 24, 2009

The Silver Beaver Award!

Earlier this month, Joann Barker presented Evah Ann Powelson with the Silver Beaver Award for all her service over the years to cub scouting. FYI: Evah Ann has been a part of Cub Scout Day Camp for 25 years!

Thanks Evah Ann! We appreciate all you do for the Cub Scout program! Thank you for your willingness to serve and YOU make a difference!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Primay Breakfast Crowd :) ...

We want to thank everyone for coming to the Primary breakfast on Saturday morning (3/21)! It was GREAT to spend time together and get to know each other better! :)

Special thanks to Brother Kurtz and Brother Nield for cooking all the ultra yummy waffles ...

Thanks for all you do for the children in the Richland Stake!